I would have ruled this world too, if it weren't for you meddling kids!
Tuesday, April 25, 2006


My apologies for no post yesterday. I couldn't get Blogger to publish and I tried for like 2 hours straight! Finally I got disgusted and gave up....but WHY DOES IT DO THAT???

A most horrible miscarriage of justice has occurred....right here in the good ol' U.S. of A.!!!!!

Charles is a roofer and he humbly came to Wordnerd's house with his proteges to put a new roof on the house. You can read about the whole glorious first appearance
HERE, but basically Charles shows up and ALMOST falls asleep on her roof and kills himself. One would be tempted to think that Charles was hung over, especially after drinking all night. What we didn't realize was that Charles was actually in deep meditation with the Creator...with no thought to his own personal safety.

Wordnerd provided a humble offering of chips and bottled water to the roofers and went about her business. Suddenly her ears heard a most glorious sound from on high:
"I realized that some of the chatter was actually one of the roofers rapping. Yes, rapping. About us. About "the man that wanted the architeck shangles and he hooked him up and then the man gave him water and chips up on the roof and hooked a brother up and. . . . Roofer Rap."

Wordnerd had a phenomenal spiritual awakening and....much like Lucia in Fatima 100 years ago......made sure to spread the story of Charles to the masses via the Internet. And the world rejoiced.

But alas, Wordnerd received...um...word that Charles has now been arrested in an apparent domestic incident. Read about the whole atrocity
HERE. So this prophet, this Force of Good has
been silenced.

I have been trying to think of a way to raise money towards Charles' bail. Here's what I've come up with......

This is a sure-fire way to raise money here in NC!

You can just send your donations to me. You can send all the money you want to!! For each donation received, you will receive this special ribbon, designed by ADAM, to show your complete support for this worthy cause.