I would have ruled this world too, if it weren't for you meddling kids!
Wednesday, December 01, 2004
Anxiety, Frustration and Paranoia


Can I get any madder? Probably not. I completed a whole frigging blog post and lost the thing. Again. WHY can you not right click and copy if you have written your post on Blogger? You can right click and copy most anything on the internet, so why not on a Blogger post? So allow me to recompose my compost:

I am officially changing my email to Gmail. I have invites. Please email me if you are interested in the Gmail experience.

A bunch of whales and dolphins have beached themselves in Australia. Here is a link if you are interested:
Why do they do it? Do they get depressed and decide that life in the ocean just isn’t worth it anymore? Was there some kind of sea mammal stock market crash? I have a feeling the answer lies in the very last part of the story: “[Bob] Brown, a senator in the Australian parliament, said "sound bombing" of ocean floors to test for oil and gas had been carried out near the sites of the Tasmanian beachings recently. He said in a statement that research data on the possible impact of such practices on marine life was inconclusive.” Whaaat? Can someone please enlighten me as to what “sound bombing” might actually be? Do they just use sound waves or does somebody actually crank up the Metallica down there on the ocean floor? Either way, it can’t possibly be good for the marine life. I am bummed out about this and trying to figure out who I can protest to. And for God’s sake, is there absolutely no possible way for us to become less dependent on gas and oil? Why can’t I be smarter? *frustration*

- Is this man indirectly responsible for the deaths of whales and dolphins?

In other news, the local community college is offering a course in meteorology and I really want to take it. Will someone please try to talk me out of this? Its not NECESSARY. But then again, neither was this but that didn't stop me:

Yeah, I know. But it was just sitting there on the shelf and when I saw it I was overcome.....I'm totally insane and be glad that you live no where near me.

The word "BLOG" is THE word of the year and is going to be added to the Merriam Webster dictionary next year. Are we the bloggers the wave of the future or just a passing fad? Only time will tell.

I enjoy the blogging. Its not like anyone is listening to me in real life....I'm much more readable than I am listenable, I guess. I especially enjoy visiting other people's blogs, harassing them and stealing pictures they have posted. Likewise, you people seem to really enjoy harassing me and stealing the pictures I have posted. Its the ultimate give-and-take situation. Yep, I think blogging will be around for a long time to come!

Although I have become self-conscious about my blog. You see, I found out that some people know about my blog that I didn't know they knew about my blog. One of them is an upstanding member of my community. How can I possibly cuss, rant and rave with abandon when there are actual respectable people out there reading? Another one is somebody from my work. Who is this somebody? I don't know but its making me craaaazy. Person at work: come forward and identify yourself. I know you're there. How can I possibly continue to blog my plot to destroy the world when there are people out there that might not understand my particular brand of madness? Will I ever be able to use the words fuck, damn, hell and shit ever again with having an anxiety attack?

And finally, I feel it is my civic duty to inform the world that Iggy Pop had a mullet back in the 70's: