I would have ruled this world too, if it weren't for you meddling kids!
Sunday, February 04, 2007


The Raclette

My sister married a guy from the Netherlands. When he came here to live, he brought with him a thing called a Raclette. And every year, when its Super Bowl time, the Raclette comes out. Its kind of like a George Foreman without the lid and without 15 kids named George also. Its a 2 tiered grill thingie - you cook meat on the top, and in the little trays on the bottom you cook veggies. We slice potatoes, sprinkle cheese on top, put them in butter on the bottom and.....wow. I like mushrooms cooked on it, too.

But anyway, everyone stands around the Raclette and cooks their own food. Kids love it, by the way. This is apparently a common European thing and we Americans are totally missing out. It is my duty to inform all of America about the Raclette.

The Super Bowl.....who cares? All I want to see are the commercials. This is the only time ever that I ignore the actual show and then run into the living room to see the commercials.

And Prince is going to be the halftime entertainment. Prince is the hotness and he is excellent in concert. I hope he attacks his guitar as he does in concert....a lot of people are going to be very surprised. This man is much more than a dance song.
