I would have ruled this world too, if it weren't for you meddling kids!
Friday, September 08, 2006


So Suri Cruise has finally arrived from the Mother Ship and she is quite the cute little alien! However, the first thing that struck me while looking at the pictures:

Um. Hmmmm. Wow. I could possibly make millions of dollars off Crazy Tom by selling him early baby pictures of Sparkle!! The only difference is that Suri Cruise is Emo while Sparkle was obviously Punk! While everybody else is saying that Suri Cruise is wearing a wig, I'm thinking "oh no, you ain't SEEN strange hair yet!"

I'm just trying to figure out how the Scientologists could have obtained my eggs and my ex-husband's sperm......because you know Tom Cruise didn't fertilize this child. Or maybe MY child is secretly a Scientologist....*screams*

However, I wish Tom and Katie Holmes good luck and hope that their Suri turns out as pretty as my Sparkle: