I would have ruled this world too, if it weren't for you meddling kids!
Sunday, March 27, 2005


I had a comment from Old Horsetail Snake. He was a little confused as to who was going to be giving advice to the lovelorn. Actually, Mr. Snake, (can I call you Old Horsetail?} its DAWN http://webmiztris.diaryland.com/ who were were referring to as the advice columnist....but since you decided to write anyway...the least I can do is answer the question. Here we go:

My girlfriend wants to "do it" in the bathtub. And while we're doing it she wants to drop in a plugged-in curling iron. She says it will really charge us up, bucking and jumping around on each other. Is this a good idea? Leave your answer below, please, and soon, because she wants "it" on Easter.

Dear Easter Bronco:
I don't see anything wrong with it. However, you need to make sure the bathtub is well padded with a soft material. Certain bones like elbows, knees and skulls do not fare very well when slammed against porcelain at 60 mph. Also, you may want to consider a mouth guard as teeth slamming together at 60 mph usually don't last long either. Be careful and practice good common sense and I'm sure it will be an electrifying experience!

Love, Brenda