I would have ruled this world too, if it weren't for you meddling kids!
Friday, November 19, 2004
Totally BLAH


I still feel terrible but I think I may actually live through this one. I stayed home today and slept all day long. It was tragic to miss another day of work but I didn't know what else to do...I knew I wouldn't make it through the day. I've been coughing so hard I know someone would have given in to the urge to kill me for sure today. It'll be good when the weekend gets here. Hopefully I will finish being sick. Here's a book that sets a fine goal for me:

Its going to be a good weekend, I can already tell. I am going to get better, get focused and get this house shiny clean. I am going to the Spongebob Movie if it kills me. I am going to go to Offbeat CDs and order the new Autolux CD....but knowing them, they already have it.

Greg from Autolux brewing up some studio magic. I read someone's opinion comparing this to My Bloody Valentine, so you know I'm already on top of it.

I'm really excited about some of the archaeological findings going on right now, but I can't seem to work up enough energy to write about them. Here's some links for the interested:
I'm more excited about the South Carolina site than the Spanish ape find....but still, its all good. Time to gather up the textbooks for an overhaul!

Can you imagine living 50,000 years ago? If you got sick you died. If you traveled, there wasn't going to be a Red Roof Inn or a cup of coffee at the Waffle House waiting for you on the road. There wouldn't be a road. Or coffee. You would work, work, work all the time just to survive.....and the only recreation would be drinking some peyote and barking at the moon. You would wear bad fashions and all the guys would smell like wooley mammoths. And look like them, too.

Ummmm, Girlfriend, I don't think your man is going to be too interested in talking with you about your feelings, now or ever......

This caveman is more my style.....

I love you, Captain Caveman.

Well that's it for me. I'm going to go curl up under a blankie and watch some Forensic Files and CHILL OUT. I promise to do better in the future.