I would have ruled this world too, if it weren't for you meddling kids!
Thursday, November 18, 2004


I talked way too much junk about flu vaccines and I have angered the God of All That is Viral and Bacterial. He's getting his revenge and I have hacked and coughed and snotted and boogered and shivered and ached and bitched and griped all day long. And I actually threw away the 3 year old Nyquil and went and bought some fresh Nyquil, so you know I'm really feeling bad. My co-workers hate me and secretly want to shoot me. The sad part is I wish they would.


Actually this more what I had in mind:

Yesterday's blog entry regarding the ABC football sex fiasco generated a good exchange of opinion, thus proving that yes, sex does sell. It can even promote a shitty blog like mine! So in the spirit of blog-promoting sexual advertising, I surely hope this won't offend anyone too badly:

Here's a little something especially for my sister. She is the only one who will understand. Total inside joke:

I think the Brat is mad with me. I asked him to please come over and sweep the pine needles off the roof because I am scared of heights. He tries to get all snippy with me....but all I had to do was remind him of certain massive cash balances and he suddenly changed his tune and was very nice and helpful. I'm sure he'll show up right on time ready to sweep anything needing sweeping. It is not normally my character to be so mean but this great book taught me how....

If I don't make any more blog entries, just go ahead and assume I died. Or someone killed me.