I would have ruled this world too, if it weren't for you meddling kids!
Thursday, November 04, 2004
Scenes From The Past


I finally worked myself up to go through a few of my mother's things I have. It's been almost 2 years since she died....its about time to start going through some stuff, I'd say. In her wallet I found this ultra-cute picture of Sparkle and her cousin Glitter. How fun to find a pic of your kids you didn't even know existed!

I don't care who you are...if you are reading this....you would have loved my mother. And she would have loved you right back. "Mom, I'd like for you to meet my friend HugoDick986 from the Internet". "Well, you just come right on over here now honey and let me give you a hug!" My mother believed in hugs for everybody. And she spent a large majority of her life worried about ovaries. Not only was she worried about her ovaries, she was worried about your ovaries too. "Now don't you pick up that heavy thing honey, you might bust one of your ovaries!" "No you can't play tackle football, what about your ovaries?" "You need to take care of those ovaries." My sister and I could just look at each other mouth the letter "o" and crack up laughing...."oooooovaries."

Mom. She worried about your ovaries so you didn't have to. And she had the "Rachel" cut going on way before Jennifer Aniston was probably even born.

- in her last years. Still beautiful even though she'd already stared death in the face a few times.

This is my dad. He was practicing his best "show me your license and don't give me no bullshit" look. He died in 1998.

Here's Dad, my sister Sunrise and little ol' me with a bowl cut mullet. Apparently I was stoned even at the tender age of 8 or 9. And Dad still wasn't taking any bullshit off anybody.

However, it looks to me like Dad could certainly dish quite a bit of bullshit out. He's the piece of toast in the middle.

Here's Boo Boo, one of my favorite Kitties of The Past. Notice the 8 track stereo in the background, complete with a stack of 8 track tapes beside it. Don't laugh too hard, those 8 tracks contained Led Zeppelin, Rolling Stones, more Led Zeppelin and probably some Osmonds, too. We couldn't be 100% cool, there's always room for improvement.

Here's my grandfather. Needless to say, he was a hard-working man and had the overalls to prove it. Next to him is my cousin Sparkle Sr. - I named Sparkle after her. As you can see, I come from very humble roots and I'm proud of it.

I also come from ROCK AND ROLL roots....here's me and Cousin Busty....I was about 11 years old and I already had my Kiss shirt going on.....

I also had the fake fur and bad glasses thing happening too. Thank you God for inventing contacts. Cousin Busty was all boobs and teeth. Could I have been any geekier? Yes, I 'm still a geek.

Here is my great-grandparents. I bet they would have never dreamed their descendents would include a spawn of the devil. All this picture needs is a pitchfork and it would have been an instant classic.

Here's a whole bunch of people that I don't know.....all I recognize is my mother on the far left standing, and my great grandmother is the old lady 4th from right standing. However, I know I am related to almost every woman in this picture. How do I know this? Check out the generous helping of boobs, hips and butt on each one. I came by it honestly. Also, what is that big woman next to my mother holding? Looks like she's ready to come after someone's ass with a rolling pin.

And finally....here's the Ghetto House....before it was Ghetto: